15+ Best WooCommerce Themes 2022 for a Better Online Store

People who start thinking about building their commercial website (just as people who are thinking about building a website in general) often meet a common problem – what content management system to use. The most popular ones are WooCommerce plugin for WordPress, Shopify, PrestaShop, and OpenCart. Of course, it’s up to you which one to use. Any of them has its advantages and could be a perfect choice but if you ask me – I would recommend you to create a store on WooCommerce.

See also : 300+ Best Responsive WordPress Themes

Here are my reasons:
  • It is free. All other CMS will demand some bigger or lesser payment and account registration. WooCommerce plugin is completely free and could be added to almost any type of site, even if it was created a few years ago.
  • It is the most popular eCommerce platform. 22% of all eCommerce websites are made using WooCommerce and that is #1 among all online store CMS.
  • It has lots of additional extensions available. There are lots of WooCommerce developers and they created a huge library of additional plugins that could expand the number of available functionality. Not all they are free, but there are dozens of them, so everyone will be capable of finding something fitting to his needs.
  • It has a big developers’ community. WooCommerce is an open source software, so anyone is allowed to change and customize it. If you will have some questions or would like to hire WooCommerce developers – it would be easy.
  • It is efficient. Since it is a plugin for WordPress, you won’t need to think about how to add a blog. If you fill the blog with relevant content – it will be great for your SEO and increase the organic traffic to your website.
  • It is scalable. No matter what online store you would like to open – WooCommerce will handle it. And, what’s more important, if at some point you would like to expand – you won’t have any issues with that.

I guess it is more than enough to choose WooCommerce for your online business. So now let’s move along to the simplest way of creating a WooCommerce online store – templates. Any WordPress website could be created in a few hours; you just need to choose the right template – a set of pre-made pages, designed by professionals. It could be simply installed to your WordPress website and after some little customization, you will get a good-looking online store. So, your first step is to choose and download one of the WordPress eCommerce themes and I’m going to help you. Here are the best WooCommerce themes I gathered for you.

Woostroid2 [$99]

Woostroid2 - WooCommerce Themes

This is the most versatile WordPress eCommerce theme I have ever seen. First of all – it has about 20 differently designed skins for various types of online stores. Wedding dresses, sports, and fishing equipment, cars, jewelry, food, cosmetics or instruments – no matter what niche does the products you want to sell belong, there will be a skin for it. Each of them is well-thought-out by professional web designers and has a structure that will definitely sell the items it is created for. Besides the marvelous skins, this The WooCommerce template is fully compatible with Elementor Page Builder and could be easily edited with its help. It means that any of the skins could be customized in any way you want to meet any (even the tiniest) requirements. The template package includes a few Jet plugins, that are created especially for Elementor Page Builder and sufficiently expand its capabilities. You will definitely like its incredible functionality!

Free’ Shop [Free]

Free' Shop WooCommerce Themes

How should a perfect Shop look like? Those clear and bright colors, sharp big photos, responsive layout and minimalistic style – all that features together make the viewer feel the desire to buy something from your store. This WooCommerce theme is Browsers compatible and could be easily customized with its help to fit any needs of your business.

Naturio [$114]

Naturio WooCommerce Themes

This WordPress eCommerce theme bursts with freshness and looks like a crispy salad leaf. From the first sight, a visitor understands that he came to the website somehow connected with healthy organic food. Such clear and understandable layout is one of the key features to make your business efficient and profitable. As you, probably, know, users who can’t understand what a website could do for them in ten seconds – leave. So, you are secured from such a scenario. This WooCommerce template is perfectly flexible and allows numerous customizations. To make the website creation faster the theme package includes a set of pages with a different layout. You can change the look of blog or store with just one click! Besides that, it is also compatible with Elementor and has a few Jet plugins included. That means the customization process will be as easy as the child’s play. You will definitely enjoy working with this great theme.

Gutenberg Starter –  Free WooCommerce Theme

Gutenberg Starter

It is quite obvious from the title, that this WooCommerce template is a product, created by the Design team for the people who start creating their online store on the WordPress 5.0 that goes with the Gutenberg editor. This concrete template is free, so you can download and try it without any issues. The template works perfectly with the Gutenberg functionality, all the blocks on the page are flexible and customizable. The design is very simple and accurate what leaves a lot of space for customization. The slider on the top of the homepage and elegant parallax effect add some dynamics to the website’s look. Shopping functionality is also smoothly working. This is one of the best WordPress eCommerce themes for beginners.

Jazzy [$114]


If you need a super-stylish WooCommerce template for man accessories or clothing store – this is a perfect variant. That dark color scheme with sharp photos and parallax effect will make your website look as elegant as an expensive leather wallet. The original slider at the top of the page could be moved with specialized buttons and with, literally, manually sliding over the picture. The full-width layout of the homepage looks gorgeous and make the viewer feel there’s a lot of space on this website. The shopping functionalities are accurate and work smoothly. All the products could be placed to separate cards and those cards could be shown on the homepage as featured items. Product cards (they have a very nice hover animation) could also be compared previewed and added to the shopping cart. The shop page allows the user to choose the layout (list or grid) and offers lots of sorting options like tags and filters by brand and by price.

Elitario [$94]


It could sound strange, but dark templates in most cases look more elegant and expensive than light ones. Maybe it’s because golden tones look more attractive on the dark background or maybe it is just a mass culture-driven stereotype, but it works. Just look at the dark design of this WordPress eCommerce theme. It was created for luxury products – expensive alcohol, cigars, accessories, jewelry. All those items will look perfect with this template and its gorgeous approach to displaying featured products. This WooCommerce theme has a testimonials block that will help you to increase the level of clients trust in your store. Besides that, there is a block displaying brands which cooperate with your shop, which also make your website look more solid and reliable. In plain language, this marvelous template will help you to show that your store is a respectful place where every client is treated as a president.

Storefront [Free]


There’s nothing really special about this WooCommerce template but it is still perfect for selling any kind of products. And it’s all because there is nothing special in it. The simple structure is understandable and doesn’t cause problems with navigation. The light color scheme with a white background doesn’t attract any attention, so visitors focus on the products. No distracting images, bright fonts or complicated animation – this WordPress the eCommerce template will help you to create a website for selling, not entertainment. The main feature of this theme is its functionalities that work smoothly and don’t cause problems. Most of the elements have a hover animation, but it doesn’t annoy – only highlight the object user is pointing at. All the most necessary information is displayed on the top of the page so no user will be able to miss it. Storefront template has all the stuff one needs for an online shop – and nothing above.

MarketPlace [$94]


The first thing a customer sees entering a site that was built with this template is a pop-up discount offer. A very nice marketing decision – it helps you not only show the best of your offers first but also give the user a clear understanding of the products he will be able to find on your website. The design of this WordPress eCommerce theme is laconic and practical – nothing redundant, there are only those elements that will help you to sell or advertise products. I like that despite the white background the pages don’t look empty. The structure is tight and filled with banners and product cards. The sticky menu that follows you along the page is a very convenient navigation tool – you can move to another part of the website really quick and without scrolling back to the top. This WooCommerce template is a great solution for a wholesale store or online shop of the big market.

Zakra [Free]


Entering the website created with the help of this WooCommerce template the user will get everything he expects to see on the fashion store homepage. A big sharp picture on the top of the page, 7+ widgets area, the most popular products right under the top slider – those are features every modern clothes shop should have. Some of the pre-made pages go in several variants so you can choose the most fitting one. The customization of the design is very simple because of this WordPress eCommerce template is perfectly compatible with Elementor Page Builder. The template is well-documented and supported by experts.

Megamart [$99]


This WordPress e-Commerce theme has 4 different demos included, so it is the same as if you get four websites in one – fashion, electronics, furniture, and jewelry shops. And two more available demos are coming soon. Basically, there are two types of the homepage there, three shop layouts, five single product layouts and a handful of other ready-made pages. One of the features I liked the most was Backend Color Picker that helps you to choose backend color for any element with just a few clicks. The template is very easy to use – any of the demos can be installed with just a single click, so even if you are a beginner – you won’t have any problems with it. This WooCommerce theme is really lightweight, it will load quickly and without delays because of the “Lazy Load” effect. Convenient Ajax Cart and Ajax Search improve the user experience and make customers want to come to your website once more.

Di eCommerce [Free]

Di eCommerce

The simpler general design is – the easier it is for a website owner to customize the template for his specific needs and taste. This WordPress e-Commerce theme is built in a nice and elegant black, green & white style with a light background that looks perfect with bright and colorful photos. Originally it was created for a fashion clothes shop, but in fact, you can create almost any website with its help – cosmetics, perfume, accessories, even gadgets, and electronics. The template package includes 6 heads, 6 footers, top bar options. The navigation through the theme is very easy – it has a cool menu, a sticky header that follows you through the page and “back to top” button. The coding is clean and well commented and if you will have any question – tech support is totally at your disposal.

Paletto [$114]


The first thing I loved about this template is the mega menu. Just look at it – such an elegant styling and color scheme. And extremely useful to the clients because it explains clearly what it is all about and what items could this store offer. The design was created for a cosmetics or perfume store, but will actually fit for woman clothes and accessories like bags, hats or glasses. Customization and changing of the structure and style are simple – it is compatible with Elementor. And it means that you could just drag and move any element, re-shape them, re-style and choose any place for it you feel OK. This A WooCommerce theme is 100% responsive and will fit any screen, no matter what device will the user take to enter the site. It has a big blog module, so it will be easy to share the latest news and improve your SEO rates.

PetStore [Free]


The header of this WordPress eCommerce template looks really original – it doesn’t expand filling the full width of the page but shrinks to the size of the hero image, placed to the top. It looks unusual and interesting. The theme doesn’t have additional skins. The shopping functionality of the template is flawless and convenient. Products, placed to the cards, could be compared, added to the wishlist and shopping cart and previewed. On the store page, the client will easily find what he wants thanks to the Ajax filters that give the user all the necessary sorting options. The template package includes not only the theme itself but also a few cool plugins, such as Cherry Framework and WordPress Live Customizer.

Shopical [Free]


Another versatile WordPress eCommerce theme in this list, that could be used to sell clothes, gadgets, accessories, etc. It could even be used to sell all of them at the same time, just like the Amazon or eBay. I guess, every wholesale store dreams to become as popular and profitable as those two marketing giants. You won’t have any problems with changing your website appearance. All the customizations could be made without coding skills. This WooCommerce template extensive functionality and awesome user experience. The menu at the header adapts to the size of the device used – from horizontal on PCs to vertical on mobile phones.

Fura [$109]


I guess this template shows how exactly should a big clothes brand online shop look like. Such huge companies as Zara and Nike use a similar website structure on their websites. Big, clear and visible logo at the top of the page with the brand name and some contacts. Big and sharp photos of cool products that attract attention and make the visitor want to get them. The most popular products and offer banners with powerful calls to action. The thing I liked the most in this template is a bestseller products carousel that moves automatically – it attracts attention perfectly because movement always attracts attention. This WooCommerce template will be a perfect solution for a startup which needs a way to create a website really quickly – Fura with its customizable headers and footers. Flexible sidebars and a big number of different color schemes could help you create a website in a few hours.



Wrapping up

As you can see, no matter what niche do you want to enter and no matter what products are going to sell – you will be able to find the fitting WooCommerce template easily. Even if none of the existing will meet your requirements lots of them are flexible enough to sculpt an ideal solution. WooCommerce templates have way too many advantages to ignore them. If none of the listed templates attracted your attention you should come and see some other WordPress eCommerce themes on CSSAuthor Collections.

Image Credit: DepositPhotos