20+ Best JavaScript Modal Window Plugins
Modal windows are pop over windows on top of the main page are usually used to display a piece of information or a warning with our disturbing the main window. In website we used it for many different purposes like login window, to display email sign up forms, displaying offers and discounts and many more. They are often considered as one of the most effective users converting tools.
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Even though wisely on our websites otherwise it will be so annoying to the users and eventually you will lose the user. There are many modal window plugins are available if you are using WordPress or any framework you don’t have to worry much they have some solutions inbuilt. But when you design a custom website and if you need a modal widow then the best option is javascript modal window plugins. The plugin should be customizable, fast, responsive and well coded. We have done the homework and picked the Best JavaScript Modal Window Plugins for you.

Tingle – Javascript Modal Window Plugins

Tingle is a minimalistic javascript modal window plugin for websites. We like how tingle works, its an all in one modal solution in a pretty well-written package. We found it’s very easy to use and easily customizable with CSS. The documentation is pretty detailed and easy to understand. This modal can be sticky, it can have images videos. This plugin is fully responsive, we have checked it with many devices and works pretty well.

Vex is a modern modal window plugin written in javascript and CSS. this is a super light plugin, it’s just 5.5kb in size minified and gzipped. The modal plugin is highly configurable. one of the best features we like in this plugin is its transition. it’s very smooth and satisfactory. it is fully responsive and has great browser support.
CSS Modals

This is a pure CSS modal plugin, javascript usage is pretty minimal. we have found it has great browser support and pretty well with most of the devices. if you are looking for a pure CSS modal window then, this is the best plugin you can have.
Modaal – Javascript Modal Window Plugin

Modaal is Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 based modal window plugin. This plugin is developed with UX in mind. this plugin has a lot of advanced features like full-screen window and keyboard controls. We found this is the best Accessibility minded modal window plugin for websites.

modalBox.js is a lightweight, basic modal plugin for websites. there is nothing fancy with this plugin this pretty basil level plugin. there is no transition built in but you can customize it with CSS. it has multiple window option which is unique and usable in some cases.

leanModal.js is also a great plugin for modal windows. the specialty of this plugin is that it can have multiple instances on one page. it’s 100%percentage images free, which is a good thing for page speed and customization.
jQuery PlainModal

This plugin has a unique SVG modal window option, we think its ideal fancy offer announcements. great plugin, highly customizable and well coded.


A powerful plugin with amazing design and smooth transitions. This plugin is super functional, can be used for login, video, etc.
jQuery Modal



animatedModal.js is an amazing full-screen modal window. its transitions are super cool and look fantastic. This is ideal for promos, offers etc. The design of this modal is stunning. you can easily implement it into your websites.

Zebra Dialog









Avgrund Modal