High-resolution displays are common these days. Most of the manufacturers are completely switched to HD Displays. The term Retina Display introduced by Apple, all apple products are running high-resolution retina displays.
High-resolution displays are a headache when it comes to website development. We were using optimised images in websites for better loading time. In retina displays, low resolution images looking pretty bad and cluttered. High-Resolution Images increases the page loading time, it is bad for search engines.
We were looking for some real solution to solve this retina display issue. We have found a number of jQuery plugins to Solve this issue. Most of these plugins are using an alternate High-resolution images to do the magic. Basically, these plugins are Switching image to high resolution when needed.
See also : 250+ jQuery & CSS3 Hover Effects (Plugins & Tutorials)
These plugins Solve the resolution issue but sill the page load time is not exactly optimised. At this moment, there is no real solution for this. You can see the complete list of jQuery Retina Display Plugins below. these might help solve your problems.
jQuery Plugin Categories

jQuery Retina Plugin




HiDPI (Retina) Display jQuery Plugin

