Ultimate Collection of JavaScript Learning Resources(FREE)
What Exactly is JavaScript?
Javascript is a programming language which is usually used as the core for Web Development and Application Development. It is an Object-Oriented Language and it can be used as part of HTML or as a standalone script for client-side scripting on the Web.
JavaScript has been standardized so that different browsers can support it fully. This standardization was helped by Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, which was an open-source project that allowed a lot of developers to contribute their time and skills towards making better standards for this language.
Why We Should Use JavaScript ?
JavaScript is a powerful programming language which is used for both frontend and backend development. Considering the fact that it’s easy to learn, offers excellent cross-platform compatibility, and has a library of more than 18,000 functions for you to use, JavaScript can be an incredibly useful tool in any developer’s toolkit.
JavaScript is is designed to create interactive web pages.it is used by many websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and more. JavaScript was originally designed for web development to produce interactive and animated web pages. It is now used extensively in a wide variety of applications including web browsers, word processors, video games, and libraries for computer-aided design (CAD).
Why Learning JavaScript Matters ?
With the increased popularity of JavaScript in recent years, it has become a valuable skill in a wide range of industries from web development to data science. JavaScript is used in backend frameworks such as Node.js and is the perfect language for client-side development. In this article, we’ll go through some of the reasons why JavaScript is so popular and why you should learn it.
What’s the Best Way to Learn Javascript ?
It’s important to learn how to use JavaScript not only because it’s ubiquitous but also because it has become much more powerful in recent years. It can be used to create games, do data analysis, and much more. The best way to learn JavaScript is by reading through tutorials and practice writing your own code. The Internet has plenty of JavaScript tutorials for beginners. But, not all of them are created equal. This list includes free resources to help you find what you need. You can take your JavaScript skills to the next level with these resources.
See also
Websites & Text Guides
Javascript Info




JavaScript For Cats

The odin Project


Learn JavaScript Online


MDN JavaScript

JavaScript The Right Way


JavaScript Notes and Reference


Free JavaScript Resources

JavaScript Reference

Simplified JavaScript Jargon

Exercism JavaScript Track

Intro to JavaScript


Eloquent Javascript

Speaking JavaScript

Functional-Light JavaScript

The JavaScript Way

JavaScript from Beginner to Advanced

You Don’t Know JS Yet

JavaScript for Impatient Programmers

Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming

Robust Client Side JavaScript

Exploring ES6

Modular JavaScript

A Tiny Introduction to JavaScript with Exercises and Puzzles

Deep JavaScript – Theory and techniques

Coffeescript Cookbook

The JS Handbook

Human JavaScript

Javascript Challenges

YouTube Channels
Traversy Media


The Net Ninja

Web Dev Simplified


Dev Ed


Full Stack Radio



JAMstack Radio

CodePen Radio

Github Repositories
Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript

30 Days Of JavaScript

Clean Code Javascript

33 JavaScript Concepts

Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide

JavaScript Questions

Node.js Best Practices

Awesome JavaScript Interviews

Awesome NodeJS

JavaScript Testing Best Practices

Cheat Sheets
Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet

JS CheatSheet


JavaScript Cheat Sheet PDF

The Ultimate JavaScript Cheat Sheet

JavaScript Object Methods Cheat Sheet

JavaScript Date Cheatsheet

TypeScript Cheat Sheet

SheCodes JavaScript Cheatsheet

Cheat sheet for JavaScript’s Fetch API

Online Courses
JavaScript for Beginners

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript: Getting Started

Javascript Essentials

Introduction to JavaScript

The Ultimate JavaScript Mastery Series