The gradient is back! Yes, in 2019 you can see gradients every UI design you are looking at. Designers are started using vibrant gradients for their UI designs and its cool. Using a gradient in a simple clean design is pretty awesome. you can apply them many places like buttons, labels top bars etc… Gradients are generally color transitions which create a modern effect especially when overlay on an image. you can see modern sleek Spotify Music covers for example.
Many top companies like Instagram are now using gradient effects in their icons and logos. gradients are much more attractive than simple colors. When it comes to creating great gradients you need to have some level of knowledge in color theory. We have found some great Gradient Generators and libraries out there to make this job easier. By using these gradient tools you can generate gradients in many formats you want, you can use them in your designs and CSS. Gradient library helps you copy pre-generated gradients for your designs.