Javascript is a scripting language that used to add interactivity to an HTML page. Javascript is the most used scripting language for web these days. Javascript is used by millions of websites to improve the user experience. It is a very lightweight programming language, most of the time it will directly embed to HTML pages.
If you are the newbie in web design and development, it is important to learn javascript. Javascript is one of the most important scripting languages in web development. All our browsers have javascript interpreters inbuilt within the browser; there is no other languages have this important. So we strongly recommend yo to learn the javascript language.
In this post, we have gathered a vast collection of best free javascript books to learn the language fast. These books are for both who don’t know javascript at all and those who have played with javascript a bit. By reading these books and doing practices, you will come comprehended what javascript and how to program with it.
See also
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

Book on Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript (Read Online)

jQuery Succinctly

Modern Web Essentials Using JavaScript and HTML5

Eloquent JavaScript

JavaScript Basics – Free JavaScript Books

A Tiny Introduction to JavaScript with Exercises and Puzzles

JavaScript For Cats

JavaScript Guide

JavaScript for Impatient Programmers

JavaScript – The Right Way

Human JavaScript

The JS Handbook

DOM Enlightenment

JavaScript (ES2015+) Enlightenment

JavaScript In Ten Minutes

D3 Tips and Tricks(Free Online Read)

Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications

JavaScript Allongé The “Six” Edition

CoffeeScript Cookbook

JavaScript Notes for Professionals (PDF)

Modular Javascript

A-Z of JavaScript

Javascript Challenges

The Complete JavaScript Handbook

JavaScript Fundamentals

JavaScript Tutorial

Deep JavaScript

JavaScript Tutorial

Exploring ES2016 and ES2017

Concise JavaScript

Data Structures in JavaScript

TypeScript Succinctly

JavaScript Tutorials

JavaScript Hero

Exploring JS

Tackling TypeScript

Javascript The Core 2nd Edition

JavaScript Succinctly

Exploring ES6

Practical Modern JavaScript

Clean Code Javascript

You Dont Know JS

Understanding JavaScript OOP

JavaScript Patterns Collection

JavaScript Bible

Javascript The Good Parts Notes

Speaking JavaScript

Single Page Apps in Depth

Understanding ECMAScript 6

JavaScript Plus a Dash of jQuery

JavaScript RegExp

Neural Networks with JavaScript Succinctly

jQuery Trickshots