What Is Python?
Python is the most popular language of the 21st century, and it’s also one of the easiest languages to learn. This language is widely used on web servers, in game engines like Unity, and in science projects. It’s an excellent first programming language for someone who wants to get started with coding. With this guide, you’ll find out how to start learning Python.
Where Is Python Used?
Python is a high-level programming language that allows you to work quickly and integrate technologies like web scraping, machine learning and big data.
It is a widely used language that has been around for over three decades now. Python is the fourth most popular language in the world as per TIOBE Programming Community Index. It’s also the second most popular language in academia as per Redmonk’s ranking of programming languages.
Python can be used for any type of project such as data science, web development, machine learning, artificial intelligence and scientific computing. It also has a large number of applications ranging from entertainment to productivity to internet security and monitoring software.
Benefits of Learning Python
Python has a large number of libraries, tools, data types, and other features to help developers create software.
The Python programming language is an easy-to-learn language with many benefits that cannot be found in other languages. One benefit of learning Python is that it can be used for different purposes including web development, data analysis or machine learning just to mention a few.
Another benefit is that Python has clean syntax which makes it easier to read and understand code written in this language than others. It also has good documentation and coding standards making it much easier for beginners to learn the basics of this powerful programming language.
Demand for Python Developers
As Python is becoming more and more popular, there is an increased demand for Python developers as well as Python programmers. This has led to some people calling this decade the “Age of Python.” Python is an excellent choice for beginners who want to learn how to code because it will teach you the basics of coding syntax without getting too complicated. Python is also a very popular language so there are many resources available on how to use it and plenty of opportunities to find a job with Python skills.
Learning Python online is not as difficult as it seems. The internet is a treasure trove of tutorials and courses, and you only need to find the right one.
There are many online tutorials and courses available for people who want to learn Python programming. There are various websites that offer such tutorials, but there is no single best place to learn Python programming. You just have to know what you want from your learning experience and then go for it. Here, we have put together some great online resources for you to learn python.
See also
Websites & Text Guides
Python for Beginners
If you’re looking for a way to get started with Python, Python For Beginners is the best resource for you. They offer video tutorials, interactive exercises, and more than 4,000 words of text that cover the basics of the language. Sign up for our email newsletter to get more helpful Python content in your inbox.

Python Tutorials
Learn Python online with pythonspot.com! For developers, system admins, and people who just want to learn more about the language of the future.

Python Guru
Python Guru is a site dedicated to providing you with high-quality, yet easy-to-read tutorials to help get you started with Python programming. Whether you need help understanding the basics of the language or figuring out how to solve a specific problem, their experienced experts have been where you are and will show you the way.

Full Stack Python
Have you been struggling to learn Python? Have you tried to read books that are too dry & technical, but you just can’t understand them? Let Full Stack Python help! they’ve distilled all of the vital parts of programming down so they’re easy to understand. You’ll have the skills you need in the shortest amount of time possible.

Learn Python Core
If you are aspiring to be a developer, it is essential that you have a good understanding of Python. This course will teach you about the basics of Python programming, including functions/parameters, loops, lists, dictionaries, tuples, classes, functions.

Python Tutorial


Introduction to Python Programming

Ultimate Python Study Guide

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python


Learn by Kaggle

Python Tutorial for Beginners

Codecademy Python Docs

Google’s Python Class

MakeCode Python

Futurecoder – Learn Python From Scratch

Learn Python Programming

Scientific Computing with Python

The Python Tutorial

Learn Python 2

A Byte of Python

Python Tutorial

The Python Wiki

Full Stack Python

100 Page Python Intro

The Python Coding Book

A Beginner’s Python Tutorial

Python Tutorial


Javatpoint Python Tutorial

Python Tutorial

Invent with Python


Python Programming Language

Learn Python 3 from Scratch

Learning with Python 3

Building GUI Apps with Python

Real Python Tutorials

Practice Python Coding Challenges

Python for You and Me

Python Practice Book

Learn X in Y Minutes

Tutlane Python Tutorial

Python Learning eBooks
Dive Into Python 3

Think Python

Automate The Boring Stuff

How To Code in Python

Learn Python The Hard Way (Read for Free)

Think Python 2e

Learn Python the Right Way

Python 101

Learn Python Programming

The Coder’s Apprentice

Python Notes for Professionals Book

Python Tips

Inside The Python Virtual Machine

Learning with Python

Exploring Python Basics

Python Succinctly

Full Speed Python

The Coder’s Apprentice – Learning Programming with Python 3

Python from Beginner to Advanced

The Python Interview Handbook 2023

Talk Python

The Real Python Podcast

Test & Code in Python

Python Bytes

Django Chat


Running in Production

Teaching Python

Django Riffs

YouTube Channels for Python
Real Python

Python Programmer


Programming with Mosh

CS Dojo

Traversy Media

Corey Schafer


Clever Programmer


Github Repositories
The Algorithm

Awesome Python

Learn Python


Python Reference

Python Programming Exercises

Coding Problems

Project Based Learning

Python Cheat Sheets
Python Cheatsheet

Python Cheat Sheet(PNG, PDF)

Python 3 Cheat Sheet

Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet

Python Cheat Sheet

Real Python

Python Cheat Sheet for Beginners

Python String Processing Cheatsheet

Python 3 Cheat Sheet

Devhint Python Cheatsheet

Python Cheat Sheet

The ultimate Python Cheatsheet

Python Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet(PDF)

Python Django Cheat Sheet (PDF)

Python Language & Syntax Cheat Sheet(PDF)