Icons are the very important element in any applications. They are the first door step to a successful application. A good application must need a good icon design that stands out, people have to remember the icon easy. A good icon must be simple, and beautifully designed. It should convey the message to the user, at first sight. A good icon designer must be aware of what the app is used for.
Designing icons for apps are extremely challenging job, you need to be extra creative if you like to be an icon designer. The main challenges involve in icon design is that convey the message, in a nutshell.
In this post, we have gathered 50+ icon design tutorials to help you master in icon designing. These tutorials are conducted by experts in the design industry
See also
Create a Set of Weather Icons in Adobe Photoshop

Create a Delicious Ice Cream Icon in Photoshop

Draw a Long Shadow Compass Icon in Adobe Photoshop

How to Create a Calendar App Icon in Photoshop

How to Create an Icon Set using Adobe Photoshop

Create an Address Book Icon in Photoshop

How to make Pencil Icon in Photoshop

How to Create a Map Icon Using Adobe Photoshop

How to Create a Playful Business Monster Icon

Create a Series of Breakfast Pixel Art Icons in Adobe Photoshop

Make an Animated Pumpkin Icon Using Pixel Art in Adobe Photoshop

How To Create Flat Vector Forrst Icon from Scratch

Create an App Icon Using Photoshop

How to Create Stylish Flat Space Icons in Adobe Photoshop

Create an Awesome Camera Icon in Photoshop

Create a Simple Pencil Icon in Adobe Photoshop

Create a Simple Folder Icon in Adobe Photoshop

How to Create Tasty Social Icons using Photoshop

Create a Long Shadow Flat Icon Photoshop

Create a Paintbrush Icon in Adobe Photoshop

Create a Simple Database Icon in Adobe Photoshop

Create a Flat IOS 7 App Icon In Photoshop

How To Create an OS X Yosemite Style Safari App Icon with Photoshop and Illustrator

Create an Apple Safari Icon in Photoshop

How To Create a Vibrant Cloud Icon in Photoshop

Create a Simple Address Book Icon in Adobe Photoshop

How to Create a Location Map Icon in Photoshop

How To Create A Grungy And “Sticky” Icon With Photoshop

Create a Simple Notebook Icon in Adobe Photoshop

Create a Printer Icon in Adobe Photoshop

Radar Icon in Photoshop

Create a Pixel-Perfect Notebook Icon in Photoshop

Create a Mobile App Icon in Photoshop

How to Create Flat Icons in Photoshop

Design a Sleek Google+ Icon

Create Weather Icons in Photoshop

How To Create A Notes App Icon In Photoshop

Create a Beautifully Designed 3D Starfish Icon

iOS 7 App Icon Design in Photoshop

Create Long Shadow Effects in Photoshop

Create a Vista Error Icon – Icon Design Tutorial

Color Pencil Icon in Photoshop

How to Create A Flat Design Shadow for a Logo or Icon

RSS Icons with Photoshop

iPhone Icon in Photoshop

How to Create Your Own Icons In Photoshop CC

Video Tutorials
Create an iOS 8 Icon in Photoshop

How to Make Flat Icon in Photoshop

How to Design App Icon