20 Best Free Fonts for Web/Graphic Designers
Typography is an art or it is one of the most important part of a design. it has the ability to either make or break a design .what makes a good typography ? of course fonts , fonts are the base . a good typography has to convey the message to the user . what make a typography better? There are few thing they are ,creating a visual Hierarchy , font selection, color/contrast ,white space. Today here we are talking about font selection .
There are thousands of good fonts available and most of them are paid . there are some good free fonts too . we were searching for some good free fonts to download and we found some extremely good fonts for free . in this post you can find 20 Best Free Font for Web/Graphic Designers
Commercial License for Fonts for Graphic/Web Designers

When using any font for paid projects, confirm that you have the appropriate commercial rights. Using non-commercial fonts can lead to legal complications.
To avoid this, CSS Author recommends that you purchase a license or use a service like Envato or MyFonts for fully licensed high quality fonts.
By purchasing your font license (doing the rigt thing), you not only support font creators but may also provide our team with royalties, helping us continue our work.
Browse at EnvatoBrowse at MyFonts
JUST Sans – Modern Minimal Geometric Typeface

Lovelo Font
Lovelo free font is remake of the original Lovelo Inline – designed by Renzler Design , Vienna, Austria. Check their Behance profile: http://be.net/renzler With your donation we’ll be able to spend more time to improve and update our free fonts. We can add more characters, more languages like – polish, czech, hungarian, romanian etc

Nexa Font
Nexa family includes 16 very unique font styles & weights. The font family is characterized by excellent legibility in both – web & print design areas, well-finished geometric designs, optimized kerning etc. Nexa is most suitable for headlines of all sizes, as well as for text blocks that come in both maximum and minimum variations. The font styles are applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics, etc. and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters and logos.

Helixa – Clean and Modern Sans-Serif Typeface

Prime Free Font
Prime is a simple typeface with a techy feel and a strict, geometric origin. I wanted to create something that offers great readability in various sizes yet still offers enough subtle differences to stand out. Basic and somewhat neutral, it can be used in a variety of ways from distinct titles to body text.

Signika Font
Signika is a sans-serif with a gentle character, developed for wayfinding, signage, and other media where clarity of information is required. It has a low contrast and tall x-height to improve readability of texts in small sizes as well as in large distances from the reader. The typeface comes with a wide character set supporting most of the Eurpoean languages, small caps, pictograms and arrows. The figures are designed as tabular. Being a typical signage typeface it is inspired by typefaces such as Ronnia, Meta, and Tahoma. All weights from Light to Bold have alternative Negative versions, optimised to solve the effect of juxtaposed positive and negative text setting, where the text in negative tends to look thicker.

Danson Sans serif Font Family

Kelson Sans
Kelson Sans is a family of typefaces designed by Bruno Mello of São Paulo, Brazil. It is a geometric sans-serif font characterized by clean lines and rounded corners. The typeface family includes seven weights, ranging from fine to black, with corresponding italic. It also includes a variety of OpenType features such as tabular figures, ligatures, fractions, and language support for Cyrillic and Greek characters. Kelson Sans is suitable for a wide range of design projects including branding, editorial design, web design and signage. It has a contemporary edge and a versatile character which makes it a popular choice among designers. The typeface is available for purchase and download from various online font marketplaces.

Myra Free Font
Myra is a new contemporary sans serif free font designed by Sergiy Tkachenko. He brings us some unique “deco style” feeling which is presented in classic sans serif curves that make the font applicable for both – retro and modern designs. Myra free font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters, logos… Enjoy it!

The austere and concise personality and flexibility make it a real multiple-purpose typeface. The letter forms are distinguished by a large x-height, sufficient stroke contrast, robust but elegant wedge-like serifs and terminals. These features have been specially designed to reach maximum of readability. Suitable for use in corporate ID, advertising and display typography.

Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro is a monospaced sans-serif font designed by Paul D. Hunt for Adobe Systems. It was released in 2012 and is designed to be highly readable and clear, even at a small size. Source Code Pro is an open source font, which means anyone can use and modify it for free. The font includes a wide variety of characters, including support for many programming languages and mathematical symbols. Source Code Pro is a popular font among programmers and developers, who appreciate its readability and clear character distinction. It is also used in a variety of other applications including print and digital media design. The font can be downloaded and installed from various sources, including the Adobe website and GitHub. It comes in various weights and styles, making it a versatile choice for a variety of applications.

Poly Web Font
Poly is a medium contrast serif font. With short ascenders and a very high x-height, Poly is efficient in small sizes. Thanks to its careful balance between the x-height and glyph widths, it allows more economy and legibility than standard web serifs, even in small sizes. The aglutinative language for which it was designed contains very long words. The goal was to develop a typeface that would tolerate cramped tracking and that would increase the number of letters on a single line. Poly is a Unicode typeface family that supports Open Type features and languages that use the Latin script and its variants.

Scada was designed as the corporate identity font for the Latvian design studio Scada.lv. In 2011 the design studio decided to make Scada a libre font. Over 6 months the font was reworked, improved and expanded into a family. It has a modern style, specifically designed for small sizes.

Inconsolata is my first serious original font release. It is a monospace font, designed for printed code listings and the like. There are a great many “programmer fonts,” designed primarily for use on the screen, but in most cases do not have the attention to detail for high resolution rendering.

Sintony is a modern sans serif typeface, drawn with a slightly square structure and smooth stroke modulation. Great for long passages of text, he provides any text with a calm and clear feeling.



DM Sans Font

Plus Jakarta Sans



Open Sans


