Converters and Calculators for Responsive Design, Color, Typography, Grid, Pixel Density
If you are a web designer or a developer you might see a lot of units and values for different aspects of web design. For today’s web design, we need to convert most of the standard design units to different formats for flexibility. Exploration of smartphone industry pushes the website design industry to its best form. Designers and developers started thinking away from conventional web design methods. In early days, they have done different websites for different devices. It was not at all practical to build a web site for thousands of devices.
Responsive design is the ultimate solution for this complex situation. One website fit for all devices was the concept behind the responsive design and it was more about the layout. We have travelled far from the initial concept of responsive design. These days, there are many techniques used by developers to build and manipulate responsive websites. They are not just focusing too much to layout, but it covers the different elements to like images, fonts etc..
See also : The Best Website Builders 2019
As these elements (fonts, Images, colour etc..) make a good website they need to have special care when you arrange them for different devices. Most of these laments controlled through certain values or units. If you are a developer, you need to have better understanding of these units and values to create an efficient website.
In this post, we have gathered an amazing list of converters and calculators for responsive design, color, typography, grid, pixel density. These handy tools are huge time savers and improve your workflow.
Converters and Calculators Categories
Color Calculators & Converters
Devoth‘s HEX 2 RGBA Color Calculator

Color Hex

Contrast Ratio Color Conversion

HEX to RGB Converter

RGB-to-Hex Conversion

Color code converter

Color Converter

RGB-Hex-Decimal-CMYK Color Conversion Tool

Convert hex color code to RGB and RGB to HEX

Color Converter

Color Converter

CSS Color Converter


Color Converter

HTML Color Converter

HSL to RGB / RGB to HSL / Hex Colour Converter

Color calculator

Hex to RGB Converter

Grid Calculators & Converters

Grid Calculator


Grid Generator

Grid Calculator

CSS Grid Calculator

Typography Calculators & Converters
Golden Ratio Typography Calculator


Type Scale

Baseline Rhythm Calculator

Responsive Calculators & Converters
The Responsive Calculator


px-em – px to em Calculator

Pixels to Ems Conversion

Pixels px to em conversion

Flexible Math

Responsive Web Design Formula for Percentage – Easy Calculator

Pixel Density Calculators & Converters
Is This Retina?

DPI love


Pixel Density Converter

Pixel Density Calculator

Density Converter


Android DP/PX converter

Android Pixel Calculator

DPI Calculator / PPI Calculator

Android DP / PX converter