SEO Friendly Web Design: A Guide For Designer

Appealing website design is the base of every brand’s success!
But, not all of them have one. There are almost 1 billion websites out there in the cyber world and if you want your one to stand out, you need to go for an SEO friendly web design. As SEO is something which is responsible for drawing organic traffic to your website, it is pretty important for your business.
Moreover, just creating such an SEO friendly web design is not enough which can drive any random user. Rather, there should be some premium quality audience heading towards your website. This could be only possible while letting an experienced SEO company do the website design and development for you.
Howbeit, if you are a pro designer and want to go for your website design by yourself, the following effective tips can be a great help:
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Do SEO for images
Mostly, businesses optimize the texts present in their websites for betting search engine ranking. They don’t do the same for images. Howbeit, it is recommended to use the smart SEO tactics to optimize the images in your website. It can sharply increase your search engine ranking.
When it comes to an SEO friendly website design, make sure that you aren’t choosing very large images. Their standard size must be 30 to 100 kb with a resolution of 72 dpi. If you cross this limit then the too heavy images will make your site load very slowly. And, it can very negatively affect your search engine ranking.
Moreover, don’t forget to include a potential keyword in the alt text section of the image. It can lead to one of the biggest benefits of SEO. Also, it is crucial to keep in mind that you are placing only relevant images on your website. The more similar they are to your website pages, the better your website will rank in the Google.
Opt for a user-friendly URL
It is pretty important to ensure that the URL of your website is user-friendly. Otherwise, it will drastically lose its ranking.
For instance, if you consider a URL, say, It is not at all beneficial for SEO. The reason behind is that it is not able to let the search engine know about the webpage in detail.
Rather, a URL like can prove to be an effective one. You must try limiting categories as much as you can in the link. It directly influences the SEO ranking of your website. Keep in mind that when you require separating words in your URL then hyphens, instead of underscores, have to be added.
Optimize for mobile phones

Web design and development has expanded its coverage up to a great extent. And, being mobile-friendly tends to be the most important aspect. The Google Reports suggest that internet usage through mobile devices is pretty much more now when compared to computers.
So, design your website in such a way that it remains in the fingertips of your audience. The more people will head towards your website, the better it will rank in Google. Curating a perfectly optimized website for mobile phones is one of the foremost ranking factors to consider in the recent times.
Use less javascript
You might think that making use of javascript for designing your entire website is a good idea. But, if you don’t know, the crawlers of search engines move through websites to index them and mark their ranking in the results.
In such a scenario, if your web design features a great deal of Javascript, search engines will find it difficult to read your website. So, avoid too much of javascript inclusion in your website and allow it to rank in the top of search engine.
Go for an accessible design
Effective and swift accessibility of your website is necessary for better conversion rates and of course, ranking with search engines. Make it easily viewable on all the browsers and it will not let many users exit your site without purchasing any product. If there’s any problem in the easy reach of your website or it loads slowly then it will rank pretty much lower in the search engines.
Don’t use too much flash elements
A huge extent of flash on your website can be pretty distracting for your visitors. Also, it can badly impact your website’s search engine ranking. More than necessary flash in a website has been always devalued and ignored by search engine platforms as it seems to be too disturbing. It can entice no benefits of SEO at all. Howbeit, even if you need to add some flash elements in your website then use it in an almost negligible way.
Make use of social media

The search engine gives huge importance to various social media tools, just like your prospective customers. So, you must incorporate some social media elements into your website design. It will help it rank pretty much good in the search engines.
While you design your website, don’t forget to include the popular social media icons for all of the social media networks where your business is having accounts. This could be not only one of the best ranking factors but also your brand will seem to be more personable to customers.
Wrapping Up
Aren’t the aforementioned tips worth opting for?
Ensure to keep this guide in your mind while designing the website your company. And, you will surely end up with a completely SEO friendly one ranking right on the top of Google.